Tuesday, July 12, 2016

London Underground, London, England - May & June, 2016

Views of London Underground, London, England - May & June, 2016.

The London Underground (also known simply as the Underground, or by its nickname the Tube) is a public rapid transit system serving Greater London and some adjacent parts of the counties of Buckinghamshire, Essex and Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom. To read more about the London Underground, click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Underground

This film features views of both London underground trains and London Underground Stations at the following locations: Aldgate, South Kensington, Monument, Liverpool Street, Baker Street, and Old Street.

To see more of my light rail and metro systems films, click here: https://uk.pinterest.com/mosstraveltv/light-rail-including-trams-metro-systems/

To see more of my British Railways films, click here: https://uk.pinterest.com/mosstraveltv/uk-british-railways/

To see more of my London films, click here: https://uk.pinterest.com/mosstraveltv/england-london/

This film was made on an iPhone 6s Plus, and edited on an iPad Pro.

This film is a Moss Travel Media production – www.mosstravel.tv

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I hope that you enjoyed this film and will return again in future, your support is really appreciated, by subscribing above you will be kept informed of my travel updates and new films uploaded.

Thank you and bon voyage!

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